Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Mickey Avalon in Action

Mickey Avalon is selling out shows all over. The kids love him, the ladies are clawing to dance on stage with him. He brings a brand of hip-hop/hip-pop that will have you laughing out loud and moving your ass. He's raunchy, a former junkie and prostitute. He'll boast about, he'll tell you about his "freaky hooker mojo". He's out of control and everyone loves it.

In one of his stage shows in LA, Mickey blasted out raps like “I used to work nights at then I got fired/when my mom logged on” amid onstage mayhem that included lap dances and the pouring of PatrĂ³n straight from the bottle into the gaping gullets of questionably legal blondes.

This year's Midwest Music Summit has him, and it's gonna be huge. Trust. Wristbands are going fast, we only have 2000 total. It gets you into every showcase you want to see, it's a bargin you can't pass up. Buy them now for only $20!

Mickey Avalon is a troubled addict and an unquestionable skank, but a shockingly gifted rap humorist.

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